<body> my alter ego: the rambling nerd
rambling nerd

moon loves to flip pages, she watches the nerd box with enthusiasm, occasionally switches to the giant screen. Normally listens to nothing at all. Loves talking. on and on and on. blogs about almost everything and anything. sometimes it might pain to read what she writes. IM A NERD, and a shopping NERD to make things worse.

what she digs

recent reads

Jostein Gaarder's Sophie's World
recent movies

Ludovic Berthillot, Chu Yinping and Louis Leterrier's Kungfu Dunk

Paul Thomas Anderson's There will be Blood
glued to the poison box
in the playlist
Zhang Zhen Yue-OK
Aska Yang-鸽子
Gary Cao-Super Sunshine
her plans

learn advanced malay
exchange programme!!!
Finish dA books
write better
tag here

blogs she read

Chao Kiat
Guo Hui
Jia Min
Jin Wen
Li Yuan
Rui Long
Wei Han
Wei Ting Xiao Mei
Wei Ying Er Mei
Zhan Ting
Zhe Hao
Zhi Wen
A Gonzo Journal
A writer's blog my life, my thoughts
Bingfeng Teahouse
Black Blood, White Lace
Dawn Yang
I Like
Jamie Oliver
Let's Get Fcuked
Mr Brown
My Play Pen
Patricia Mok
Simply Inconspicious
Terelle's Snippets
The Students' Sketchpad
Tim Gunn
her links

Deviant Art
Temasek Junior College
Young PAP

Initial Moon's Archives
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008


One Two Three Four Five
Designer: TheAngryMob

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Everything is gettin sooo sooo crazy

I can't even keep up with my own pace.

Drowning in an abyss,

finished rambling
6:55 PM <3

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

girl knocks on door. girl tries to run away. girl misses the drama.

i'm not being sarcastic, i just think omg, so draaamaaa...and i feel bad for seow si min. ok and jac too. aiyah, both are my friends, so i shall just jump out of the picture and dont care.

since simin said "aiyah, moon also don't care one lah"

and it's true. in the sense that in this scenario, i won't get myself involved. though i do still care about the feelings of my friends. it would be great if both of them were damn damn happy now with no worries, but that wouldn't happen, so i can be realistic. ha.

i thought we were quite bad at the cheerleading. just stating the facts. though they did put in a lot of hard work. there just weren't the oomph factor.

all the small things in my life. and there should be bigger stuff. like i could be the Prime Minister worrying about the future of S'pore. but im here worrying about these teeny stuff.

but don't think so much, maybe Hsien Loong is sleeping soundly now.

finished rambling
7:57 AM <3

Monday, January 21, 2008

that's it! it's the growth spurt pill

I was rambling on and on to Simin when we were walking back from dinner. I was saying:

"You know, I have to know that I learn something new everyday, so that my day is productive (lately, we are classifying our days as productive/unproductive). You know, I have to like at least grow a few inches everyday...And sometimes, there's this something, this something that just strikes you...and you suddenly understand something, and you feel that you've grown a lot....it's like it's like....it's like...ITS LIKE....


finished rambling
4:09 AM <3

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Suddenly thought of something:

Jinhe asked me to look at the Nanyang Chronicle Sports Section and give her some feedback and critique to help the Sports Desk improve. Well, I didn't. But, something kind of struck me suddenly regarding the unpopularity of Nanyang Chronicle among the school population, even though our writers write reasonably well.

Firstly, there's a serious derth of newsworthy happenings in school for us to report. So in the end, I guess the paper kindof reports for the sake of reporting. Sometimes, I really have the feeling that "Hey, that article is solely there for the purpose of filling up the empty space."

Secondly, I sense similarity in the Chron's predicament when you compare it to SPH in Singapore. There's no competition! Maybe some worthy school should set up another newspaper or maybe it could be an independent student's effort. Fight with the Chron for news nuggets! Maybe it'll improve. The SU's Tribune don't count.

Lastly, few writers seriously take pride in being a Chron writer, maybe besides the dedicated editors. I confess, I'm sometimes one of them. There are few incentives and perks in being a Chron writer, and point no.1 makes it worse. Who would want to take up a boring assignment? Everybody wants a piece of newsbreaking action!!!

I hope no editors or Chron people take offence. I just feel like ranting a bit. I'm kindof part of the Chron Chinese newsdesk and photo desk too. So I'm shooting myself in the leg.

finished rambling
12:50 AM <3


Maybe I should apply for the SPH Undergraduate Scholarship again?

I badly want to be a journalist. Gosh.

finished rambling
12:38 AM <3

Saturday, January 19, 2008

I finished COM208!!! Brilliant!

finished rambling
4:55 AM <3

Friday, January 18, 2008

You can ignore my previous post, just a random ranting.

Everyone's nicks on MSN seems to be bemoaning about the nuisance of COM208's assessment of journals assignment. So I shan't complain more about it. The reason why they're complaining would be because they've most probably started on it, and I HAVEN't. So goodness gracious, I'd jolly well keep my opinions to myself.

Anyway, I'm finally home since I have to do some stuff for Dad.:)

Today's dinner was really good, because there were chai dao, onion egg, and jap mushrooms...all my fave. And they're reasonably healthy too. I can't even find time to lament the fact that I'm lacking exercise.

Will be going back hall on Sun. Am really excited to see Jiaying and Li Yuan swim, I hope they're set to be competitors. Damn sadistic, I like to see friends fight among themselves. :)

finished rambling
3:28 AM <3


Sometimes nobody really knows how I feel, so I cant be bothered to explain.

Really nobody, besides myself. Though I'm glad for the fact that I understand who I am.

Sometimes trying to justify that you're in exactly the same or a worse predicament compared to mine doesn't actually work the right way. I get irritated and feel like telling you to "kiss my ass".

But I'm too evil to tell you.

P.S: I'm in a tired mood, maybe I don't really mean what I say.

finished rambling
2:33 AM <3

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


finished rambling
7:22 PM <3

Sunday, January 13, 2008

my monday is soooo free...for the moment, since HA205 tutorial hasn't really started. Prof Ho is gone for some overseas conference, I think. Haha, I kinda miss his lessons. :)

Looking through the IRO website, and JIAMIN, we can apply in advance for 08/09 Sem 2 i think! It's nerve-wrecking thinking that I'll be spending life away from home, although it's just nearby Taiwan/China. But I really love the environment in Taiwan, it feels all dif from home, yet there are subtly some similarities. And i like the weather, and the RICE.

I only have lessons at 4.30pm, meeting Rushan at 3 for a VERY late lunch. Lessons this sem are really boring. What's with all the research stuff? I wonder who's going to take the comm research track, but gosh, it already sounds dreadful.

Bein the kaypoh me, I was so interested to read whatever Hall 6 pub wrote about our volleyball team. But, apparently, they took it off and replaced it with something mild. But it's good that they did something wrong, if it reduces the flak and shit people had given us. Moon is evil, omg, i didn't really mean it.

And, ending off with a good note, ginseng cereal tastes good. Yum.

finished rambling
7:31 PM <3

Saturday, January 12, 2008

orh lu lu and his balancing act on my precious vaio. he's wrapped like a peanut. Hohox.

me tryin to get rid of mr orh. blow blow blow.

These are just some dumb antics me and ms waiting get up to when i get home. :)

Anyway, managed to catch U.K Shyam in action at the track heats today. Wohx.

Damn cool sia

finished rambling
3:54 AM <3

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


总是对人家complain之后,又补上一句“Aiyah,明天会更好!” “加油,Ah Moon!”“不会死的!”那的确是真的我,没有刻意掩饰,没有隐藏,但有时,当个乐观积极的人会有点累。


finished rambling
7:25 AM <3





finished rambling
2:51 AM <3

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Glad for the fact that school has started. Moon loves school!

Still in the thick of action for IH season. Photo and video almost everyday, sometimes I have to sub my subcommers...sometimes all i do is back up their photos. Sometimes....I just feel like shooting.

Twas' HC809 lecture this evening and I must say it gets intimidating hearing the PRCs speak up in lecture. They do know more about China than us. But Moon won't 退缩 so easily. I'd be there to learn more from them. :) Moreover, always felt that China is an enigma. Definitely want to learn more about the country.

Something Chinese every semester. Keeps me happy.

Not in the writing mood these few days, so my sentence structure is all haywire. Pardon me.


finished rambling
7:05 AM <3

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Reading the comments on the shoutbox doesn't frustrate me anymore.

Suddenly, I find it all very funny.

It's so ironical seeing "where's the pride man?" when the niners themselves don't take pride in being residents and starts quarreling among themselves.

I don't see a point in joining in a meaningless conversation and get myself bruised in the process. It's not self-protection, it's just being clever.

I think we need to take a step back, continue to improve on the website( and ourselves) and turn a blind eye to the stupid and seething comments. :)

Like what Harry said, I'm a straight A's student. I'm damn clever can.

finished rambling
7:26 AM <3

Friday, January 4, 2008

Show you guys something....

January 8, Class 1: 民族主義與殖民主義
電影欣賞—Project A II
• 徐中約 Ch 1-3
• <晚清民族主義話語>,<民族復興,復興什麼>
January 15, Class 2: 人口,社會,與宗教
• 徐中約 Ch 4-5
• 費正清—成長而無發展之矛盾
1. 關公
2. 科舉
3. 士紳
January 22, Class 3: 朝貢國體系
• 徐中約 Ch 6-8
• 林則徐致維多利亞女王函,
1. 川楚教亂
2. 西發里亞條約 (Treaty of Wesphalia)
3. 司法管轄權
January 29, Class 4: 自強運動
• 徐中約Ch 11-14
1. 天津條約
2. 中法戰爭
3. 甲午戰爭
February 5, Class 5: 排外與維新
• 徐中約 Ch 15-19
• <老問題新視角>
1. 李鴻章
2. 康有為
3. 庚子新政
February 12, Class 6: 武力與思想革命
• 徐中約Ch 20-21
1. 第一次世界大戰的緣起與結束之因
2. 新文化運動
3. 清黨/四一二事件
February 19, Class 7: 日本與德國
• 徐中約 Ch 22-23
• <抗日名將孫元良訪問記>
1. Alexander von Falkenhausen
2. 新生活運動
3. 谷壽夫
March 4, Class 8: 美國
• 徐中約 Ch 24-25
1. 門戶開放政策/John Hay
2. 陳納德/史迪威/斯諾 (Edgar Snow)
March 11, Class 9: 蘇聯
• 徐中約 Ch 26-27
• <孫中山致蘇俄遺書>
1. 中華蘇維埃共和國
2. 庫里申科
3. 珍寶島事件
March 18, Class 10: 台灣問題的起源
• 徐中約 Ch 30-31
• Danny Roy, Ch 1-2
1. 二二八事件
2. 聯合國二七五八號決議案
3. 千島湖事件
March 25, Class 11: 海外華人
• 徐中約 Ch 34-35,37
1. Lan Fang Republic
2. Rock Springs Massacre
3. 法輪功
April 1, Class 12: 崛起的責任
電影欣賞—Sometime in April
• 徐中約 Ch 41-42

1. 中非合作論壇
2. 蘇丹的達富爾問題
3. 中國毒玩具

Cool eh?

finished rambling
8:43 AM <3
