been working more hours lately, hence the lack of posts and updates. Labels: education, journalism, university admission, Vivian Balakrishnan
I guess you could say this period of time is pivotal as it is a mini symbolism of change in my life, as i move on to varsity and finally have a chance to start studying what i truly am passionate about, the media industry. Been accepted into communications studies and im really elated about this! Also admitted into FASS NUS though i'd most probably reject that because i'm bent on entering mass comm. I'll still keep my options open, so i won't say i must be a journalist though this has been what i really want to do, but i believe mass comm would be a great choice to develop the skills i need to go into the industry.
Although i won't say secondary school and jc education did me no good, because stuying other subjects made me discover other passions and talents i have. I never knew i could write argumentative essays in English before GP and i didn't know the way to go about writing emotive essays in Chinese before those LEP S lessons. I actually hate people who say, so and so lesson is not good because i'm totally not interested in it and it hasn't help me in any way, because i believe in some way or another, the teachings in the classroom must have an effect in changing at least a little bit of us.
Anyway, figured out deviant art though my msn is still down. Am really exasperated. BTW, i got the invitation to College day for the Photog Plaque and im really excited coz i'll be meeting Mr V Balakrishnan in person! I'll be my very best on that day and cozy up for a shot...hohoho. My LAOGONG!!!!SEXY..
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4:42 AM <3
我 喜 欢 坐 在 美 式 咖 啡 厅 里,
买 一 杯 咖 啡,
坐 上 好 几 个 小 时……
我 总 喜 欢 找 个 靠 窗 位 置,
透 过 玻 璃 窗 看 外 面 的 世 界。
戴 上 耳 机,
沉 浸 在 自 己 的 泡 沫 世 界 里……
听 不 到 周 遭 的 喧 声,
看 旁 坐 的 人 聊 天 时 比 手 划 脚,
外 面 的 行 人 迅 速 走 过,
却 仿 佛 把 世 界 这 个 播 音 机 调 了 静 音,
只 细 细 倾 听 心 里 的 调 调,
世 界 继 续 转 动,
我 却 固 执 地 拉 着 墙 上 挂 钟 的 秒 针,
暂 时 忘 记 时 间 表 在 跳 动。
手 上 捧 着 几 米 的 画 册,
图 画 本 的 彩 色 却 又 顽 皮 地 越 了 界,
不 小 心 将 我 的 小 小 泡 沫 染 上 了 五 彩 缤 纷 的 颜 色,
一 层 又 一 层……
2006 年4 月24 日, 雨 天
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4:26 AM <3
new words are: Labels: dictionary, TIME, words
nawab: not totally an English word. is an honorary title conferred upon Muslims of distinction in India and Pakistan. In English, nabob(pronounced ney-bob)is the word for any wealthy, influential or powerful person e.g. colonial nawab
searing: to char, scorch or burn with a hot instrument.
In a Time mag article, the writer used the phrase searingly honest and after a long search, it is proven there is no such word as searingly, although we do get his point.
idyllic: charmingly simple or rustic e.g. idyllic landscape, idyllic life
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4:21 AM <3
some stuff i missed out on the last post. Labels: Desperate Housewives, deviant art, msn, Virginia Tech
Anyway, the Virginia Tech thing hit me so hard because i couln't help linking it with something fictional that happened in Desperate Housewives. Last episode was the one when Harold's wife went into the supermarket with a gun and held so many hostage. And Tom's old flame (forgot what's her name) was shot, because Lynette said she seduced her husband, which angered Harold's wife because Harold had an affair too, hence she pulled the trigger. And befor that, Lynette was always having the dream about not preventing Mary Alice's suicide from happening because she was carrying big bags and did not try to comfort Mary Alice, though she knew something was wrong, and the next moment M.A shot herself.
And Lynette finally understood that she shouldn't blame herself. Because you cannot prevent what you cannot predict. I really like how they round up that episode with that dream. Watch it to find out, you'll be amazed.
But we still won't know why Cho pulled so many triggers.
Anyway, my Deviantart and MSN are down. And will Simin do me a favour? Try going onto my deviantart page and navigate it a little coz something like "Buffer Overun" keeps appearing once i try to access it. Is it deviant or is it my comp?
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5:42 AM <3
It has been almost a week since i last blogged and so many things have happened that gives me the urge to want to write an entry about it, yet this week has been eventful and busy too, hence i apologise for the late entry. Labels: birthday, journalism, murder, Virginia Tech
Well, many would be blogging about the Virginia Tech tragedy and though i'm late, i'd like to give my two cents worth on the issue too. It has been a really sad week, like how i told Simin even before this happened, that because of my daily ritual of reading the newspapers, i noticed that there are more and more sad happenings these days that have occured that makes me want to cry. Sometimes you can't help but wonder why reality is as cruel as it is, and why death can creep beside you without you knowing, taking your life so suddenly, it shocks the people around. I don't know, maybe i'm still young, and i'm not mature enough to face death rationally and bravely, but hearing and reading about sad news sometimes tears me apart, though only temporarily, because all's well after i tell myself that i should be optimistic, because no matter the length of the road in front of me, there would always be good things waiting once you move along.
I would not like to criticise the killer for his unforgivable act because i don't understand the circumstances he was placed in, i don't understand his grievances that he poured in the video (just watched it), i don't understand the mind of a mass murderer, hence i'm in no position to judge whether he was right to think that way. But we are free to give our opinions, we are free to think the way we like, we are free to creatively express ourselves, but we do not give ourselves the right to take away someone's life. It is sad to know that someone can be so driven against the wall, so pent up to the point that he does something that cannot be reversed, that many cannot forgive him for.
It is human reaction to put ourselves in the shoes of the victims. What would we do if we were one of the students in the classroom? What is it like to have death so close to you? How helpless would you be? Will there be any way of escape? Yet, we don't relate to the killer. In fact,we can't. I believe that is how the mind works. And until we can completely unravel this mystery, we cannot understand what or who unleashed the monster within Cho, the monster who carried out the killings methodically, with an expressionless face.
I didn't like it that the media again glorified the killer in a way. It must be how it works. But people normally remember the murderer's name instead of the victims'. It was the same for the Columbine High School Massacre. In a way, Cho achieved his aim of letting the people know he was the way he was, and he might even gain some sympathy votes. Why did he do it? Pop culture influence? Lax gun laws? Racism? Unfair treatment? Oppression in a society? We always find other things to blame. Yet, we have to admit that the human mind sometimes can be ugly, and you do not know what one's limits is, what one is capable of carrying out. It is my personal opinion, but i feel that there is no reason to give sympathy to someone who can be so cruel as to rob others of their future, and rob the victims' families of their precious ones.
I really hope someone agrees with me or share what they think about what i have said. Anyway, my birthday's over, it has been low-keyed this year, yet i enjoyed it as much as i have enjoyed others. Thank you for the vouchers friends, you guys really know what i like huh? $$$$$
I went for the mass comm interview today and i made new friends, though they're all from TJC, Elicia, Peixun and Natasha. And somehow i enjoyed myself throughout the interview maybe because i like talking. The current affairs quiz was easy peas, though im not sure bout the writing part. Cross my fingers that i get in, because i so much want to become a media man...
or media woman, to be exact.
finished rambling
4:53 AM <3
more words... Labels: dictionary, words
voluptuary: characterised by preoccupation with luxury and sensual pleasure e.g voluptuary tastes
jones: slang, means addiction to, especially to heroine
corral: to confine in an enclosure, e.g corral animals
cantankerous: difficult to handle
secede: withdraw formally from an alliance or organisation
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10:23 PM <3
I know not many people has the link to Si Min's blog, but recently i read an entry in it that stir up something in me. I do not have the permission to reproduce it here, i think all i can tell you is that it emphasizes on the point that how we live together as a community and not a sole being, hence reiterating on the point about how friends are very important to us. Labels: friendship, kinship
I always find it a pity why i do not feel this feeling as strong as how many of you out there feel, and i cannot comprehend Simin's words about what losing or having a friend is about. Do not misunderstand me, it does not mean that i do not treasure you, my friend. It is just me. Of course, i almost completely agreed with what Si Min was saying, yet Dear Friend, i'm sorry that i still do not pour enough into a friendship. I can't say whether "It is just me" is a good excuse, but i hope it could suffice for the time being.
For now, i believe, having my close-knitted family together with me keeps me going. It always surprises me how a simple sentence from my mum like "你大学真的要住宿舍啊?" makes me feel loved, and belonged. It surprises me too how i can tell my sisters everything that I sometimes find hard to let out in front of my close friends. We hold hands without feeling uncomfortable with each other ( i guess besides weiyingermei who isn't the touchy-feely kind). And i really laugh when i'm with them. I really cry when i'm with them. REALLY.
Writing becomes a way i handle my emotions, especially when i can't mouth these words.
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4:16 AM <3
Got this profile from a link in Simin's site: Labels: profile
Life for some time now has been somewhat depressing and you feel 'under the weather'. You are looking for a means by which you can escape from all the pressures of everyday life. But you must remember that the 'Past does not equal 'Tomorrow'. You are seeking a way to escape from all the trials and tribulations that oppress you at this time, but at least you haven't given up - if one pattern of behaviour doesn't seem to work then you'll change it for another.
You need an atmosphere of peace and quiet and you would like to share a bond of understanding with the 'right person' - you have the belief that with the right person, your stress and anxiety could be minimised.
All the problems that you have been experiencing of late seem to have become a part of your life and there is little that can be done to change the situation. Your emotions run high - but even though you feel as if at times you are about to burst this situation will pass. Try to release your pent-up emotions by participating in some extra physical activities like running, swimming, whatever. There must be some favourite pastime, not necessarily strenuous, that can help you to relax.
You are feeling trapped by the situation as it stands at this time and what is more, you feel powerless to remedy it. You are stressful, angry and disgruntled. You feel that everything that you try to do to change the situation is thwarted and your hopes and aspirations all seem to be receding into the ever distant future. You have reached the state where you now doubt whether your dreams will ever be achieved and this is not only causing mental stress but heartache. You need to get away from it all - you need to have time to think, to recuperate, to be able to make your own decisions.
You are anxious about all the limitations to which you are subjected to at this time. You feel that you are not valued for what or who you are. You need OUT. So why procrastinate any longer - MOVE!
i can't pinpoint whether it's accurate or not..but i am feelin stressed now, though i don't know where the source of stress comes from. Yet, i don't think im angry and disgruntled. But the last part is really quite accurate...i bold it.
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12:27 AM <3
Labels: origami
my new origami piece--THE MASKED HOODY
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12:06 AM <3
虽 然 一 直 很 遗 憾 这 次 的 演 唱 会 嘉 宾 名 单 没 什 么 看 头, 少 了Stanley 和 公 主 的 人 体 拱 桥, 少 了DT 和Jolin 的“ 今 天 你 要 嫁 给 我”, 更 少 了 好 朋 友 小 猪 的 出 席, 也 担 心 仅 有Energy 带 动 不 了 现 场 气 氛, 然 而 公 主 一 夜 的 尽 歌 热 舞, 足 以 令 骑 士 我 大 称------HIGH 翻 天 啦!!!!! Labels: Jolin
一 直 都 是 公 主 的 忠 实 歌 迷 ( 不, 应 该 说 是 舞 迷 吧!!!).... 当 然 演 唱 会 也 不 可 以 错 过!!! 和 玮 婷 小 妹, 玮 莹 二 妹 一 起high 的 感 觉 超 棒 的, 狂 喊, 怒 吼, 尖 叫。。。。WAAAAAAAA....
也 超 像 一 场 很 长 很 壮 观 的KBOX session... 而 且 唱 走 音 都 没 人 听 见!!!! 公 主 的 一 字 码 出 场, 拉 环, 体 操 表 演 令 观 众 们 啧 啧 称 奇。。。 虽 不 能 说 是 尽 善 尽 美, 但 值 得 票 价,it's like a parteeeee.....
舞 娘 上 公 主 的 身, 骑 士 也 忍 不 住 忘 我 狂 欢。。。。
公 主 骑 士, 傻 傻 分 不 清 楚。。。。
finished rambling
11:42 PM <3
Labels: food, jamie oliver, recipe
another new dish....
Purple Potato Salad
-4 tablespoons olive oil
-2 lemons
-200g fraiche fromage (it's actually white cheese. Search hard in the mart)
-200g purple sweet potatos
-250g baby potatoes
-Handful of fresh mint leaves (chopped)
-Handful of parsley (chopped) (Can be any types of chives)
-Ground black pepper
1. Mix olive oil, juice from lemons and the cheese.
2. Cook the potatoes in plenty of boiling salt water for 20 mins. Drain well.
3. Cool potatoes. Rub off skins with knife (damn hot sia!) slice into bite sized pieces.
4. Mix with dressing
5. Add herbs and season with ground black pepper.
Easy steps...taste good if you're a potato lover like me.
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11:29 PM <3
Just caught Mark Walberg's new release, Shooter and i wonder what's wrong with movie critics nowadays? Straits Times gave it a 2 stars and lambasted that it became utter nonsense towards the end. In my opinion it was shootingly good! Labels: movies
Woah...had me on the edge of my seat most of the time, damn gancheong. I'd say it's better than most blockbuster thrillers like M.I.3 and you can attribute this mostly to Walberg's superb acting chops.
Long time since i caught a conspiracy theory movie, and this is good stuff which deserves more stars....
I'd say skip the reviews and go straight to the cinemas!
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12:31 AM <3
Started my part-time waitressin job and it's been enjoyable so far. Mainly because:
1. I'm usually allowed to talk.
2. I love doing sai gang.
3. The manager Irene is as Simin and Jac described, friendly and nice
4. It's only 4 hours so time really flies...fooo.........
Don't want to go into details about what i do, it's just the usual stuff of servin and keeping the restaurant spick and span.
Anyway, i went supermarket shoppin again yesterday at Fairprice, and it was the first time i shopped with the giant trolley alone. And trolley shoppin is so much more fun than basket shopping, i'm clinging on the to trolley next time i hit the mart again! Well, got the stuff for my purple potato salad and cheesy peas, will try em' out and show you guys again!
Jolin's concert is this saturday! But Ade said the guests are Energy which is so....argh....Stanley please come...
*.....我不想爱一个乖乖牌......* lalala
finished rambling
9:27 PM <3
Labels: NPCC, Qing Ming Festival, work
We went back for NPCC's inter-soccer tournament the other day(we meaning me, huiling, yy, boss and kim) with the sole purpose to root for our team, and when we reached there, we discovered that there was no cchsm team. But it was really good to see all your old friends, cadets and the mams and sirs. Couldn't get what Guohui was babbling on about...but he was sure entertaining, and we were musing about the weird relationship between boss and his precious Guohui, LOL.
Kok Keong sir is now the OC of the Telok Kurau unit, and it wasn't surprising that after 3 or 4 years, he couldn't remember our names anymore. But he was really warm and friendly and we talked alot under the shady tree..hoho. He's really good at keeping the conversation going and we talked about his MOE stuff, teaching, our school life in Chung Cheng, Teck Leong Sir's wedding (surprisingly), NS, and alot of things under the sun. And we did came to a conclusion that Chung Chengians don't have to know each other to "click" well, since we come from a very different background as many others. (I'd bet my Chung Cheng friends will agree with me, because you know a Chung Cheng person when you see one).
Anyway, me, yy, kim and harry were plannin on catching 300 at the cinemas, but couldn't get tickets for the right timing. And we went to Cafe Cartel....hohoho. Kim and harry at Cafe Cartel is really weird. And i can't help laughing at Kim's weird and suaku antics and remarks...never buy ice cream before, don't know how to call waitress come, so excited at the free flow of bread, don't know how to walk to taka. He's a "rare" species indeed.
But it's really fun sittin down and just talk away...
Anyway, it was 清明节 yesterday and Bright Hill was congested with cars and smoke. And guess what, I saw Zhen Bin there!
We went on the lorry and i had to ride in the "Open-air" area, and it was raining. It's really puzzling how it's always raining during 清明. Bet it's because 清明时节雨纷纷 thing going on with the ancient Chinese poets.......
And i do miss my ah gong.
P.S: i'm startin billy bom bom today...wish me luck *cross fingers i don't break anything*
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9:48 PM <3